Wednesday, 26 July 2017

NIIT Developing Windows Azure and Web Services Lab @ home 5 ~ GNIIT HELP

Developing Windows Azure and Web Services Lab @ home 5 Ans 1

The first step in creating a WCF service is to define the service contract and data contracts. Only afterwards you can begin implementing the serv ice contract. In this exercise, you will define a service contract niter face for the booking service along with the required data contracts, and then you will implement the service contract.
The main tasks for this exercise are:
Create a data contract for the booking request.
Create a service contract for the booking service.
Implement the service contract.

To implement the required functionality, you need to perform the following tasks:
1. Create a data contract for the booking request.
2. Create a service contract for the booking service.
3. Implement the service contract.
Task 1: Creating a Data Contract for the Booking Request
To create a data contract for the booking request, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Browse to the location where the Exercise 01 .zip file is saved.
2. Extract the files.
3. Double-click the Exercise 01 folder.
4. Double-click the BlueYonder.Server folder.
5. Double-click the BlueYonder.Server.sln file. The BlueYonder.Server - Microsoft Visual Studio window is displayed.
6. Ensure that the Solution Explorer window is opened.
7. Right-click the BlueYonder.BookingService.Contracts node, and then select Add Reference. The Reference Manager - BlueYonder.BookingService.Contracts dialog box is displayed.
8. Ensure that the Assemblies node is expanded in the left pane.
9. Ensure that the Framework node is selected.
10. Scroll down and select the check boxes next to the following assembly names in the middle pane:
o System.Runtime.Serialization * System. ServiceModel
11. Click the OK button.
12. Right-click the BlueYonder.BookingService.Contracts node, and then select Add—Class. The Add New Item -BlueYonder.BookingService.Contracts dialog box is displayed.
13. Ensure that Class is selected in the middle pane.
14. Select and replace the existing text in the Name text box with TripDto.
15. Click the Add button. The TripDto.cs file is displayed.
16. Type the highlighted portions of the following code snippet in the file:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using BlueYonder.Entities;
namespace BlueYonder.BookingService.Contracts
[DataContract] public class TripDto {
public int FlightSchedulelD { get; set; }
public FlightStatus Status { get; set; }
public SeatClass Class { get; set; }
17. Select FILE—Save All to save the changes.
18. Ensure that the Solution Explorer window is opened.
19. Right-click the BlueYonder.BookingService.Contracts node, and then select Add—Class. The Add New Item -BlueYonder.BookingService.Contracts dialog box is displayed.
20. Ensure that Class is selected in the middle pane.
21. Select and replace the existing text in the Name text box with ReservationDto.
22. Click the Add button. The file is displayed.
23. Type the highlighted portions of the following code snippet in the file:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
namespace BlueYonder.BookingService.Contracts
[OataContract] public class ReservationDto
public int Travelerld { get; set; }
public DateTime ReservationDate { get; set; }
public TripDto DepartureFlight { get; set; }
public TripDto ReturnFlight { get; set; }
24. Select FILE— Save All to save the changes.
25. Ensure that the Solution Explorer window is opened.
26. Right-click the BlueYonder.Booking Service.Contracts node, and then select Add—New Folder.
27. Replace the existing text of the folder name with Faults, and then press the Enter key.
28. Right-click the Faults folder, and then select Add—Class. The Add New Item -BlueYonder.Booking Service.Contracts dialog box is displayed.
29. Ensure that Class is selected in the middle pane.
30. Select and replace the existing text in the Name text box with ReservationCreationFault.
31. Click the Add button. The file is displayed.
32. Type the highlighted portions of the following code snippet in the file: using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
namespace BlueYonder.BookingService.Contracts.Faults
public class ReservationCreationFault
public string Description { get; set; }
public DateTime ReservationDate { get; set; }
33. Select FILE— Save All to save the changes.
Task 2: Creating a Service Contract for the Booking Service
To create a service contract for the booking service, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Ensure that Solution Explorer window is opened.
2. Right-click the BlueYonder.Booking Service.Contracts node, and then select Add—New Item. The Add New Item -BlueYonder.Companion.Controllers dialog box is displayed.
3. Select Interface in the middle pane.
4. Select and replace the existing text in the Name text box with IBooking Service.
5. Click the Add button. The IBooking Service.cs file is displayed.
6. Type the highlighted portions of the following code snippet in the IBooking Service.cs file:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.ServiceModel;
using BlueYonder.BookingService.Contracts.Faults;
namespace BlueYonder.BookingService.Contracts
[ServiceContract(Namespace = "http://blueyonder.server.interfaces/")] public interface IBookingService {
[FaultContract(typeof(ReservationCreationFault))] string CreateReservation(ReservationDto request);
7. Select FILE— Save All to save the changes.
Task 3: Implementing the Service Contract
To implement the service contract, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Ensure that Solution Explorer window is opened.
2. Right-click the BlueYonder.Booking Service.lmplementation node, and then select Add Reference. The Reference Manager - BlueYonder.Booking Service.lmplementation dialog box is displayed.
3. Ensure that the Framework node is selected in the left pane.
4. Scroll down and select the check box next to the System.ServiceModel assembly in the middle pane.
5. Click the OK button.
6. Right-click the BlueYonder.Booking Service.lmplementation node, and then select Add—Class. The Add New Item -BlueYonder.BookingService.Implementation dialog box is displayed.
7. Ensure that Class is selected in the middle pane.
8. Select and replace the existing text in the Name text box with Booking Service.
9. Click the Add button. The Booking Service.cs file is displayed.
10. Type the highlighted portions of the following code snippet in the file: using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.ServiceModel;
using BlueYonder.BookingService.Contracts;
using BlueYonder.BookingService.Contracts.Faults;
using BlueYonder.DataAccess.Interfaces;
using BlueYonder.DataAccess.Repositories;
using BlueYonder.Entities;
namespace BlueYonder.BookingService.Implementation
[ServiceBehavior(InstanceContextMode = InstanceContextMode.PerCall)] public class BookingService : IBookingService
11. Add the following code snippet inside the BookingService class:
public static readonly string ConnectionName = "BlueYonderServer"; public string CreateReservation(ReservationDto request)
if (request.DepartureFlight == null)
throw new FaultException<ReservationCreationFault>( new ReservationCreationFault {
Description = "Reservation must include a departure flight", ReservationDate = request.ReservationDate }, "Invalid flight info");
var reservation - new Reservation
Travelerld = request.Travelerld,
ReservationDate - request.ReservationDate,
DepartureFlight = new Trip
Class - request.DepartureFlight.Class,
Status = request.DepartureFlight.Status,
FlightSchedulelD - request.DepartureFlight.FlightSchedulelD
if (request.ReturnFlight !- null)
reservation.ReturnFlight - new Trip
Class = request.ReturnFlight.Class,
Status ■ request.ReturnFlight.Status,
FlightSchedulelD = request.ReturnFlight.FlightSchedulelD

using (IReservationRepository reservationRepository - new ReservationRepository(ConnectionName))
reservation.ConfirmationCode -
ReservationUtils.GenerateConfirmationCode(reservationRepository); reservationRepository.Add(reservation); reservationRepository. Save(); return reservation.ConfirmationCode;
12. Right-click the first line of code in the CreateReservation method, and then select Breakpoint—Insert Breakpoint.
13. Select FILE—Save All to save the changes.
14. Press the F6 key. and ensure that the Build successed message is displayed on the status bar.
15. Close Microsoft Visual Studio 2012.

Developing Windows Azure and Web Services Lab @ home 5 Ans 2

To support RSS feeds of flight schedule you will create a new media type that handles the RSS requests, and then register the new media formatter class in the Http Configuration formatters.
The main tasks for this exercise are:
Create a new class that derives from MediaTypeFormatter.
Implement the necessary code to return an RSS response containing flight schedule information.
Register the new media formatter.
Use Internet Explorer to view the feed.

Task 1: Creating a New Class that Derives from MediaTypeFormatter
To create a new class that derives from MediaTypeFormatter. you need to perform the following steps:
1. Browse to the location where the Exercise file is saved.
2. Extract the files.
3. Press the Windows logo key. The Start screen is displayed.
4. Start typing Visual Studio 2012.
5. Right-click the Visual Studio 2012 tile.The App bar is displayed.
6. Click the Run as administrator button.
7. Select FILE—Open—Project-Solution. The Open Project dialog box is displayed.
8. Browse to the location where the Exercise 02 folder is extracted.
9. Double-click the Exercise 02 folder.
10. Double-click the BlueYonder.Companion folder.
11. Select the BlueYonder.Companion.sin file.
12. Click the Open button. The BlueYonder.Companion - Microsoft Visual Studio (Administrator) window is displayed.
13. Ensure that the Solution Explorer window is opened.
14. Right-click the BlueYonder.Companion.Controllers node, and then select Add—New Folder.
15. Replace the existing text of the folder name with Formatters, and then press the Enter key.
16. Right-click the Formatters folder, and then select Add—Class. The Add New Item -BlueYonder.Companion.Controllers dialog box is displayed.
17. Select and replace the existing text in the Name text box with Atom Formatter.
18. Click the Add button. The file is displayed.
19. Type the highlighted portions of the following code snippet in the file:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Xml;
using BlueYonder.Companion.Entities; using System.Net.Http; using System.Net.Http.Formatting; using System.Net.Http.Headers; using System.ServiceModel.Syndication;
namespace BlueYonder.Companion.Controllers.Formatters
public class AtomFormatter : MediaTypeFormatter
20. Select FILE— Save All to save the changes.
Task 2: Implementing the Necessary Code to Return RSS Response Containing Flight Schedule Information
To implement the necessary code to return RSS response containing flight schedule information, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Ensure that Solution Explorer window is opened.
2. Ensure that the file is opened.
3. Type the highlighted portions of the following code snippet in the file:
class AtomFormatter : MediaTypeFormatter
private HttpRequestMessage request;
//Add the new media type header to the supported media types, public AtomFormatterQ {
SupportedMediaTypes.Add(new MediaTypeHeaderValue ("application/atom+xml") );
//Is used to receive the instance of the HttpRequestMessage class, public AtomFormatter(HttpRequestMessage request)
_request - request;
//Overrides the CanReadType method, to define it is not supporting deseriali public override bool CanReadType(Type type)
return false;
//Overrides the CanWriteType method, to define it supports serialization of FlightWithSchedulesDTO class instances.
public override bool CanWriteType(Type type)
return type == typeof(FlightWithSchedulesDTO);
private SyndicationFeed CreateFeed(FlightWithSchedulesDTO flight)
var feed = new SyndicationFeed
Title = new TextSyndicationContent(string.Format("Blue Yonder flight {0}", flight.FlightNumber))
var items = from s in flight.Schedules select new Syndicationltem
Title = new TextSyndicationContent(
String.Format("Flight {0} {1}", flight.FlightNumber, s.Departure.ToString(”MMMM dd, yyyy")))>
Id = flight.FlightNumber,
BaseUri = new Uri(_request.RequestUri, string.Format("{0}/{1}",
_request.RequestUri.AbsolutePath, flight.FlightNumber)),
feed.Items - items; return feed;
public override Task WriteToStreamAsync(Type type, object value, System.10 writeStream, RttpContent content, System.Net.TransportContext transportContext)
// creating a System.ServiceModel.Syndication.SyndicationFeed var feed - CreateFeed(value as FlightWithSchedulesDTO);
return Task.Run(() =>
using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(writeStream))
Atoml0FeedFormatter atomformatter = new Atoml0FeedFormatter(fe< atomformatter.WriteTo(writer);
//Overrides the base GetPerRequestFormatterlnstance method, to create a nei instance of the AtomFormatter class for each atom request.
public override MediaTypeFormatter GetPerRequestFormatterInstance(Type typ< HttpRequestMessage request,
MediaTypeHeaderValue mediaType)
return new AtomFormatter(request);
4. Select FILE— Save All to save the changes.
Task 3: Registering the New Media Formatter
ro register the new media formatter, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Ensure that Solution Explorer window is opened.
2. Expand the BlueYonder.Companion.Host node.
3. Expand the App_Start folder.
4. Double-click the file. The file is displayed.
5. Type the highlighted portions of the following code snippet in the file:
using System.Web.Http.Routing; using System.Net.Http;
using BlueYonder.Companion.Controllers.Formatters;
namespace BlueYonder.Companion.Host
public static class WebApiConfig
public static void Register(HttpConfiguration config)
config.Formatters.Add(new AtomFormatterQ); config.DependencyResolver ■ new BlueYonderResolverQ; config.MessageHandlers.Add(new AtomHandler()>;
6. Select FILE— Save All to save the changes.
Task 4: Using Internet Explorer to View the Feed
To use Internet Explorer to view the feed, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Ensure that Solution Explorer window is opened.
2. Ensure that the BlueYonder.Companion.Host project is set as startup project.
3. Press the F5 key. The Internet Explorer window is displayed.
4. Append atom/flights/1 to the address in the address bar. and then press the Enter key. The details of a flight are
5. Switch to Microsoft Visual Studio 2012.
6. Press the Shift+F5 keys.
7. Close Microsoft Visual Studio 2012.

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