Tuesday 30 May 2017

How to Write Great Blog Content ~ GNIITHELP

Successful bloggers have to keep their heads around many different aspects of the medium – but at it’s core is being able to write compelling and engaging content on a consistent basis over time.
How you do this will vary from blogger to blogger to some extent as each blogger has their own style – however there are some basic principles of writing great blog content that might be worth keeping in mind.
Below are a few of the lessons I’ve learned on the topic over the years.
Update: Here at ProBlogger we’re constantly creating more tutorials on how to create great blog content for your blog. Stay up to the latest by subscribing to ProBlogger:
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Where to Start

How to Craft a Blog Post – This is a series of posts that walk bloggers through a variety of points on blog writing that can make a good post great.




Principles of Successful Content Creation


  • How to Make Your RSS Feeds POP! – a series on how to develop a compelling RSS feed, how to grow your RSS readership and how to get RSS readers visiting your actual blog

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