Friday 2 June 2017

Namespace in C++ ~ GNIITHELP


Namespace is a container for identifiers. It puts the names of its members in a distinct space so that they don't conflict with the names in other namespaces or global namespace.

Creating a Namespace

Creating a namespace is similar to creation of a class.
namespace MySpace
 // Declarations

int main() {}
This will create a namespace called MySpace, inside which we can put our member declarations.

Rules to create Namespace

  1. The namespace definition must be done at global scope, or nested inside another namespace.
  2. Namespace definition doesn't terminates with a semicolon like in class definition.
  3. You can use an alias name for your namespace name, for ease of use. Example for Alias :
    namespace StudyTonightDotCom
     void study();
     class Learn {  };
    namespace St = StudyTonightDotCom;     // St is now alias for StudyTonightDotCom
  4. You cannot create instance of namespace.
  5. There can be unnamed namespaces too. Unnamed namespace is unique for each translation unit. They act exactly like named namespaces. Example for Unnamed namespace :
     class Head { };
     class Tail { };
     int i,j,k;
    int main() { }
  6. A namespace definition can be continued and extended over multiple files, they are not redefined or overriden. Example :
    namespace MySpace
     int x;
     void f();
    #include "Header1.h";
    namespace MySpace
     int y;
     void g();

Using a Namespace

There are three ways to use a namespace in program,
  1. Scope Resolution
  2. The using directive
  3. The using declaration

With Scope Resolution

Any name (identifier) declared in a namespace can be explicitly specified using the namespace's name and the scope resolution :: operator with the identifier.
namespace MySpace
 class A
  static int i;
  void f();
 class B;       // class name declaration
 void func();   //gobal function declaration

int MySpace::A::i=9;      // Initializing static class variable

class MySpace::B
 int x;
 int getdata()
  cout << x;
 B();   // Constructor declaration

MySpace::B::B()   // Constructor definition

The using directive

using keyword allows you to import an entire namespace into your program with a global scope. It can be used to import a namespace into another namespace or any program.

namespace X
 int x;
 class Check
  int i; 


include "Namespace1.h";
namespace Y
 using namespace X;
 Check obj;
 int y;
We imported the namespace X into namespace Y, hence class Check is available in namespace Y.


#include "Namespace2.h";
void test()
 using Namespace Y;
 Check obj2;
Hence, the using directive makes it a lot easier to use namespace, wherever you want.

The using declaration

When we use using directive, we import all the names in the namespace and they are available throughout the program, that is they have global scope.
But with using declaration, we import one specific name at a time which is available only inside the current scope.
NOTE : Name imported with using declaration can override the name imported with using directive

namespace X
 void f() {}
 void g() {}

namespace Y
 void f() {}
 void g() {}


#include "Namespace.h";
void h()
 using namespace X;             // using directive     
 using Y::f;      // using declaration
 f();     // calls f() of Y namespace
 X::f();  // class f() of X namespace

In using declaration, we never mention the argument list of a function while importing it, hence if a namespace has overloaded function, it will lead to ambiguity.

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